Tuesday, December 17, 2013

¡Feliz Navidad!

Belén Efrata
(Miqueas 5:2-4)
José Espada Marrero

Belén Efrata, ¡qué nombre
a la memoria mas grato!
En tu romántica historia 
hay episodios loados.
Patriarcas, reyes, profetas,
pastores, ángeles, santos,
en la trama de tus hechos
la providencia ha enlazado.

Raquel, de Jacob llorada,
tranquila duerme en tu campo,
en un tosco monumento
a su memoria elevado.
Noemi de tus hijas fue,
Ruth espigó por tus prados,
y columpiaste la cuna
del gran David, rey y bardo,
que te coronó de fama
con el trono y con los Salmos.
¡Qué profecía más hermosa
 de ti Miqueas nos has dado!
Pequeña para tenida
por honra entre tus hermanos,
el Caudillo de Israel
nos darás tú, sin embargo.
Caudillo, Pastor,por tiempo
de la nación esperado,
aparecerá en tu seno 
un día, Belén, no extraño.
El recogerá los restos
dispersos del pueblo amado,
y se llamará en justicia
"nuestra paz", nuestro regalo.  

¡Y así fue! Belén Efrata,
en tiempo nunca olvidado,
vio la gloria del Mesías
y oyó la voz de lo alto.
José y María una noche
su hospitalidad buscaron,
y refugio en un pesebre,
¡oh dolor!, les fue brindado.
Allí nació el Redentor,
de este mundo en lo mas bajo;
sin engañosa apariencia,
sin oropel, ni boato.

Su advenimiento glorioso
por ángeles fue anunciado
a campesino sencillos
que cuidaban sus rebaños 
en las noches solitarias
y cálidas de verano.
"Nuevas de gozo", dijeron;
"nuevas, pastores, os damos";
"nuevas para todo el pueblo",
judío y gentil, bueno y malo.
"He aquí, os ha nacido
en la ciudad del rey sabio,
el Salvador, el Mesías,
Dios de Israel, humanado.
Le hallareis en un pesebre,
un niñito envuelto en panos",
junto a su madre, María,
y a José, noble y honrado.
Muy alegres los oyentes,
en el anuncio confiando,
fueron corriendo, y al NIÑO
en el aprisco encontraron.
Vinieron también de lejos,
con sus presentes, los Magos,
por la singular Estrella
en el Oriente avisados.
A unos y a otros la gloria 
revelo el Dios soberano,
y hubo alegría en el cielo
y en los pechos entusiasmo.

Cumplida la profecía
fue así, después de años,
y apenas te diste cuenta,
Belén, del mayor milagro.
De los Ángeles oyeron
pocos lo que proclamaron,
ni vieron a los pastores
en el pesebre, alabando, 
ni por tus calles siguieron
a los mas famosos Magos,
ni contemplaron la Estrella
de mas esplendor y encanto.
Belén, para tu desdicha,
tenias los ojos cerrados, 
y el corazón imbuido
en lo efímero y profano.
Aun así eres grande,
y tu nombre, un relicario;
te veneran los poetas,
te recuerdan los cristianos,
porque en ti su cuna tuvo
Emmanuel, el Deseado.

Monday, November 25, 2013


By Kelvin E. Morales
Nov. 18, 2013
The Story of Chanukah
To read a concise narrative of this event, go to:

The Feast of Lights is commonly known as “Hanukkah/Chanukah”. This year, 2013, Hanukkah coincides with our traditional celebration of Thanksgiving. This is an 8 day celebration with the use of a nine candle menorah called a “Hanikkilla”. Each evening the center candle is lit and with it you light another candle. The center candle is call the “Servant” candle. By the eighth evening all nine candles would be lit.

This past Sunday, Nov. 17, 2013, in our bible class at Christian Community Church we learned about how important it is to G-d that we remember what he has done for those that believe in Him. For example G-d used the Passover to bring Israel out of Egyptian bondage and gave it to them as a feast at the giving of the Law and they celebrated Passover every year after that. Why? To remember how G-d liberated them with an outstretched arm. And G-d gave Israel a total of 7 Feasts for the sole purpose to remember His redemptive plan and thru it, showing once more how much He loves Israel and also all of the Nations (Gentiles). For He told Abraham in thee shall all the nations be blessed. There are four promises that are mentioned as part of the “Seder/Passover”. G-d wants Israel and us to remember them. Do you know them?

Four Promises

Exo 6:6  Wherefore say unto the children of Israel, I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will rid you out of their bondage, and I will redeem you with a stretched out arm, and with great judgments:
Exo 6:7  And I will take you to me for a people, and I will be to you a God: and ye shall know that I am the LORD your God, which bringeth you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians.

1.    I will bring you out
2.    I will set you free
3.    I will redeem you  
4.    I will take you

Titus 2:11-15
 For the grace of God hath appeared, bringing salvation to all men, instructing us, to the intent that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly and righteously and godly in this present world; looking for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a people for his own possession, zealous of good works. These things speak and exhort and reprove with all authority. Let no man despise thee.

You know what? Yeshua/Jesus kept the Feasts even Hanukkah! Jesus? Feasts? Hanukkah? Yes. Let’s see in John 10:22-23 And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter. And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon's porch. The “feast of dedication” is Hanukkah/Chanukah.

The season is upon us, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and Christmas. Enjoy, whether you choose to celebrate one or all, we should do so with one purpose in mind, to Remember.
What is it we need to remember? G-d’s four  promises. 

I will bring you out
Rom 6:6  knowing this, that our old man was crucified with him, that the body of sin might be done away, that so we should no longer be in bondage to sin;

I will set you free
Rom 6:8 But if we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him;
Rom 6:9 knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death no more hath dominion over him.  

I will redeem you 
          Rom 6:7 for he that hath died is justified from sin.
     Eph 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself up for it;
Eph 5:26 that he might sanctify it, having cleansed it by the washing of water with the word,

I will take you
Exo 6:7 and I will take you to me for a people, and I will be to you a God; and ye shall know that I am Jehovah your God…

Eph 5:27  that he might present the church (assembly/a people) to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

          Rev 19:9And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, these are the true sayings of God.

Victory is to live on the basis of these four promises!
There is much to be thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Las Siete Antorchas

Rev. José Vicente Espada Marrero

El Rev. José Vicente Espada Marrero publico un libro titulado Las Siete Antorchas. El mismo es un compendio de bosquejos y poemas que él genero durante el transcurso de su carrera ministerial/pastoral con el propósito de proveer recursos para aquellos que estaban empezando a enseñar la palabra de Dios. Don Espada fue un excelente educador de la palabra de Dios. No tan solo predicaba y enseñaba la biblia él la vivía día a día. Su amor por las congregaciones siempre fue evidente en como trataba a cada miembro y en particular aquellos que tenia necesidad de encontrarse con el Cristo/Mesías resucitado. En el libro cada uno de los puntos es apoyado por una diversidad de referencias bíblicas.  Aquí esta el bosquejo principal que se titula de igual manera que el libro " Las Siete Antorchas":

La lampara de siete antorchas del Tabernaculo
de Moises y el templo de Jerusalem

1. El Señor Jesucristo
2. La Palabra de Dios
3. El Cuerpo De Cristo
4. La Oración
5. La Fe
6. El Amor
7. La Conciencia

La lampara o antorcha del centro se conce en hebreo como "Shamash"="Siervo". Shamash = Jesucristo
Todas las lamparas o antorchas miran hacia la del centro.

El fue pastor de varias congregaciones en la ciudades de La Romana, San Pedro de Macoris en la República Dominicana y en Puerto Rico las siguiente ciudades: Guayama, Comerio, San Juan, Playa Ponce y por ultimo la iglesia que esta en la avenida De Diego en Puerto Nuevo de la cual el es el fundador.
La iglesia Metodista Unida Rev. José Espada Marrero.

El retrato que aquí aparece son sus siete hijos:
De arriba a bajo:
2.José Luis
3.Samuel Leocadio
4.Isamel Francisco
5.David José
6.Ibsen Ruben
7.Kelvin Emerson

Que curioso "Las Siete Antorchas", siete hijos.

Saturday, June 15, 2013


By Kelvin E. Morales
June 13, 2013
Viewing this picture from my first and only trip to Israel brought back peaceful and joyful memories. The one thing that I enjoyed most was how my mind would recall passages of scripture related to the site we were visiting.  

One morning in the city of Tiberias I walked to the western shore of the Sea of Galilee and took this picture of the sun rising over Galilee. I remembered the passage where Yeshua/Jesus called John and Peter to follow him and how they dropped what they were doing and followed him (Mark 1:16-18). Another time after teaching the multitude, Jesus with his disciples crossed the sea of Galilee. While crossing the sea He fell asleep and there came a great storm. His disciples had great fear and thought they would perish. They woke Jesus up and He spoke to the storm and everything grew still and his disciples marveled that He had power over the storm (Mark 4:35-41). On another occasion Peter ask Jesus if he could come to him? Jesus was walking on water (Matthew 14:22-33). All these passages can provoke a great impact in ones life.

The one passage that always has left a strong impression upon me, takes place after Yeshua has risen from the grave. Peter, John and the other disciples return to fishing. One early morning Jesus calls from the Galilean shore and asks them, how’s the fishing? They respond in the negative, and Jesus tells them to cast the net over the other side of their boat and they do, suddenly they have so much fish the nets begin to tear; at that moment Peter recognizes who it is that is standing on the shore line. He simply jumps into the water and swims to shore finding Jesus with breakfast served (John 21:1-25). Peter is standing in front of the one whom he recently denied three times and still the Lord Jesus invites him to follow and serve when He tells him to “feed my sheep“. Total forgiveness!   

Thursday, June 6, 2013


June 5, 2013

Hi! I am Kelvin and I am happy that my blog has made it thus far. Yes, it was June 5, 2012 that I started this blog. The picture that you see above of myself was taken in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico by my wife.

 Notice the building in the background it is now an art museum. This part of town is called "Ballajá". The building is called " Cuartel de Ballajá" it was built by the Spaniards to house their militia. After the Spanish-American war in 1898 it became the US Army HQ and military hospital; it now houses the "Museo de las Americas". Here is a link to a short informative video about this building:

El castillo San Felipe del Morro
El Morro viewed from Isla de Cabras
Take another look at the building behind me in the picture above. If you were here and turned left at the corner of that building you would see the entrance to "El Castillo San Felipe del Morro", commonly known by puertoricans as "El Morro".

It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. But a picture only gains significance to the person who has had the experience of being there to see it. So what are you waiting for? Come and visit Puerto Rico, there is much to be seen and experience; from historical sites, archaeological sites, local cuisine, beaches, scuba diving, snorkeling, rain forest,the little quaint "Paradores" (hotels) up in the mountains and of course the people. 

There are some things that are better if they tell you about it and there are other things that no matter how much you hear about it or how many pictures you see about it, you will never know until you experience it and that is PUERTO RICO! So stop thinking about coming, just come and enjoy "La Isla del Encanto", Puerto Rico! 


Friday, May 24, 2013


Poema por el Rev. José V. Espada, Marrero

Rev. Jose V. Espada Marrero
(Poema leído por su autor en el servicio post - inaguraración de la
Primera Iglesia Bautista de Santurce, Puerto Rico, la noche del 18 de enero de 1939, y afectuosamente dedicado al Rdo. Angel Acevedo, pastor)

¡Y bien, aquí me ven! Aquí me han edificado
la inteligencia humana; aquí me han levantado
el celo del que ofrece a Dios su adoración--------
Mi arcilla se ha mezclado con la fe del creyente,
y he subido ante el mundo que me mira imponente
alzado sobre el hombro de un Atlas: la oración.

¡Y bien, aquí me ven! En realidad preciosa
se ha plasmado la idea de mente poderosa
que me vio en sueños nobles de anhelo espiritual ----
Soy el símbolo puro de la fe y la pujanza,
de la vida que lucha, que triunfa y no se cansa -------
Cristalización bella de elevado ideal!

Me han hecho todo hermoso ------ Santificada ofrenda
del corazón y da la mejor prenda
de gratitud a Dios por su amor y luz ------
Me han hecho todo hermoso ----- Soy derroche de arte,
y una voz soy callada que habla por toda parte
de estas paredes mias, del pulpito y la cruz.

Me ha erigido aquí, y convertido en signo
de célica esperanza y un objetivo digno
de una aventura grande que comanda el Señor;
por eso abro las naves de mi vientre fecundo
y recibo en mi seno los desechos del mundo
para que los transforme el Cristo Redentor.

Decís que soy el templo, y soy sólo la forma
material y visible de otro que se conforma
al modelo que el Padre nos quiso revelar;
y ese templo soy vos, la iglesia militante,
la que trabaja y ora, la que sigue triunfante
la iluminada senda, venciendo sin cesar.

No soy sino la casa, el hogar en que mora,
el refugio sagrado, el altar en que adora
esa Iglesia Cristiana que se congrega aquí-------
Ella agoniza y crece y expande su influencia,
mientras yo permanezco igual sin diferencia,
con mi Cruz a las almas señalando el turquí.

Pues, sí, soy el santuario que habéis edificado,
y mi gloria es que siempre sea glorificado
el Señor Jesucristo, y que el Predicador
de el mensaje a los hombres de la Palabra pura,
para que se arrepientan y busquen la ventura
que por su gracia brinda nuestro consolador.

Y mi gloria, sabedlo, es que preste el servicio
que el pueblo de mi espera, y que cumpla el oficio
de ofrecer a los pródigos agua de vida y pan,
comunión y consuelo, la luz del Cristianismo,
para que se liberten de todo fanatismo
y de la horrible noche en que sumidos van.

Vuestra atención prestadme sólo por un momento:
Si no he de ser la fuente de paz y de contento
para todos los seres presas de hondo sufrir,
apagad estas luces, condenad estas puertas,
y dejad estas naves vacías y desiertas,
y marchaos a otros lares a pecar y a gemir.

Mas si queréis hacerme faro para el escollo,
inspiración que arranca de la vida el meollo,
escuela de la Biblia y casa de oración,
seré entonces santuario para el bien dedicado,
y por los penitentes me veré frecuentado,
pues seré hermoso templo, mas que el de Salomón.
                                Rev. José V. Espada Marrero

En memoria de mi querido abuelo, Papillo.


Thursday, April 11, 2013


The 1970’s was a decade of change. To give you an idea of what changes took place during this decade here is a short list:
1. Beatles Break Up
2. Computer Floppy Disks Introduced
3. Palestinian Group Hijacks Five Planes
4. Kent State Shootings
5. VCRs Introduced
6. Mark Spitz Wins Seven Gold Medals
7. Pocket Calculators Introduced
9. Watergate Scandal Begins
10.Abortion Legalized in U.S.
11.Paul Getty Kidnapped
12.Sears Tower Built
13.U.S. Pulls Out of Vietnam  
14.U.S. Vice President Resigns
15.U.S. President Resigns

While all the above events were taking place in the world my life was also changing, graduated from high school and started my freshman year in college, Univ. of Puerto Rico [UPR] 1970. In 1971 was the year of violent riots at UPR, a US Army ROTC cadet and also a Colonel of the police died during the riots. In the middle of all this turmoil some friends from church and I started two groups of bible study on campus. These study groups became later on in 1972 the base group to form a student organization on campus known as Movimiento Alfa y Omega the student branch of Campus Crusade for Christ. Dean Beal was the coordinator of Campus Crusade for Christ on the island of Puerto Rico.

From 1973 to 1974 I lost my focus and my grades at UPR revealed that something was not right. That is when my brothers, Jose [Pepito] and Ibsen, executed a coup d'état. Somehow they managed to find me a job and a one-way airfare to the other side of the world, a man made island in the Pacific Ocean, literally in the middle of nowhere. I thought I was going on vacation to see my brother Ibsen. Upon arrival to Oahu, Hawaii I was taken to a hotel and was told that after the weekend of the 4th of July I would be interviewed, go through lab tests and if the results turned out okay I would be flown to my place of work. At that time I did not truly understand what was happening. Those few days I had a great time, I saw my brother once or twice and did not see him again until I landed on the man made island, Johnston Atoll, in the middle of nowhere at the other side of the world.

Upon arrival to the island all those that flew with me there were briefed on what we could and could not do and many other safety procedures. Afterwards we were taken to our living quarters and then in the evening I saw Ibsen my brother, we had dinner together. Then he told me that this was a one-way ticket and I had to work my way home. Reality struck! Have you ever heard “he or she was an "indentured servant”. The term
“ indentured servant” means that upon arrival to your destination you are to work to payback the cost of your voyage to the person who hired you. Three months later Ibsen is transferred and I am left behind, Coup d'état! I worked there for nine months, 6 months by force and 3 more of my free will. I returned to Puerto Rico in spring of 1976, married in the summer of 1977. 

My Family
Jose        Kelvin       Ibsen
The Morales Brothers



Friday, April 5, 2013

Holocaust Memorial Day / Yom HaShoah / יום השואה

 The Holocaust Memorial Day falls on April 7 & 8, 2013

Holocaust Memorial, San Juan, Puerto Rico

 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.  Matthew 25:40

Six million Jews perished in the holocaust by the Nazi regime. This is a historical fact. Some now try to deny that such an horrific historical event took place. You ask why we should remember them? 1. Because some are trying to deny that it ever happened. 2. So that we never again allow this to happen.

Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth.   Romans 14:22

Video: The Forgotten People          http://youtu.be/gWtDGoV6UgM

One of the reasons the enemy succeeded was because of the reluctance of the christian church [Roman Catholic and protestant alike] to understand that Nazis were nobody's friend. That they were out to do the Adversaries bidding. We Christians in general are guilty of allowing the holocaust, though many participated in rescuing the Jews from the claws of the Adversary. Our sin? SILENCE. So what should we do as Christians? We should confess our sin of SILENCE to G-d. And determine in our hearts, for Zion sake never to be silent.

  For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not be quiet, until her righteousness goes forth as brightness, and her salvation as a burning torch.    Isaiah 62:1

Watch these videoshttp://youtu.be/KHX_UHzCsPE


Among the christian community there is a lingering perception that if the Jews suffered the holocaust it must be because G-d had a judgement to dish out to them. I ask, what about the other millions that perished and were not Jewish? The allied soldiers that fought against the axis of evil and died fighting for freedom?  The Puertoricans pilgrims that died at the massacre that took place at the airport of Lod in Israel in 1972? Were these under judgement also?  NO!

I don't believe that the holocaust was a judgment from G-d upon the Jews. I believe that this was an antisemitic systematic ploy by Satan the adversary. Just like Haman tried to do in the book of Esther in the Tanak [old testament]. G-d was not judging the Jews in the story of Esther nor in the holocaust. While Esther/ Hadassah spoke at the appointed time to save her people who lived in Persia, the majority of Christians [ Catholic and Protestant] in Europe kept silent concerning everything they saw taking place before them. Following is a link to an article written by Sam Nadler a friend and brother in the faith:
Why the Holocaust? http://www.wordofmessiah.org/9/post/2011/10/why-the-holocaust.html 

At the very least we as believers in the Messiah Yeshua [Jesus] should be praying for the peace of Jerusalem.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.   Psalms 122:6

We should stand against all antisemitism and should stand in favor of and for Israel and remember the holocaust.

Yeshua/Jesus in making reference to his brethren the Jews, when he said:
Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.  Matthew 25:40

I encourage you to visit this memorial to the holocaust located on the south side of our capitol building in old San Juan, Puerto Rico and when you are there have a moment of silence, say a prayer for the peace of Jerusalem. Also right next to the holocaust memorial is a another memorial to the victims of the massacre that took place at the Lod airport in Israel, please also pray for the peace of Puerto Rico.   

Monday, March 25, 2013



Hi there! I am Kelvin Morales, born and raised in Puerto Rico. I am the youngest of three sons born to Manuel and Josefina Morales. My maternal grandfather, Rev. Jose Espada Marrero, was a United Methodist Minister/Pastor for many years and I want to share how I was born again. If you have visited a church or heard Billy Graham preach you must of heard for sure some one explaining how they came out of drugs, alcoholism or from a suicide attempt to accept Jesus as their savior.

"So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God." Rom 14:12

My story is different in that I came from a christian family. My grandfather, a minister, and both of my parents became believers when they were in their teens. You would think that I would be a believer because my parents were believers, but from G_d's perspective that is not how we establish a relationship with Him. One does not inherit a relationship with Him. One must come to Him by grace through faith and not by our own works. 

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.  Ephesians 2:8-10

As a young boy I recognized my need for forgiveness and a savior who truly has the  power or authority to forgive me. I came to this understanding by the loving kindness of my parents and my pastor Max and Elaine Brenneman and the teachings from the scripture. 

    For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;  Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. Rom 3:23-26

With this understanding I acknowledged G_d and, Yeshua [Jesus] our Messiah, whom He had sent for the forgiveness of my sin.

Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent. John 6:28-29

I prayed thanking G_d for providing His sacrifice for the remission of my sin on the cross. If you would believe G_d and accept His sacrifice on the cross for your sin you will be born again like I was as a young boy. Your age does not matter as long as your are conscious of the decision that you are making.

And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. Act 16:30-31

If you make that simple prayer recognizing G_d and the sacrifice He made on the cross, Jesus the Christ / Yeshua HaMasiach, for your sin, you shall be born again.

John 3:3  Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. 

If you don't have a church to go to I invite you to attend my church ...

Christian Community Church
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
Map for Christian Community Church:

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Do you have the blues?

Do you feel that everything is not going your way? Look what I have to do just to drink water!

Saturday, February 2, 2013


The Volkswagen Bus
A Memorial To Max and Elaine Brenneman
By Kelvin E. Morales
Feb. 2, 2013
The Brenneman Family
Nancy, Maxwell, Elaine and Ruth
Isa 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

Have you ever been asked who was most influential or had the most impact in your life? In my case it was Max and Elaine whom had a great impact in my life; The Brenneman’s or as we all grew accustom to calling them, the B’s.

Mr. B drove a VW bus [which he fondly called Isaiah] everywhere, particularly Friday nights, Sundays and Wednesday nights. On Fridays evenings he would pick me up and then a gang of kids for youth meeting at our church in Summit Hills and then drove each ones home. I was the first to be pick-up and the last to be dropped off. Mr. B and I would spend hours parked in front of my home in Caparra talking about the scriptures and he would answer my questions about them. Mrs. B was my Sunday school teacher. She was like my second Mom. Both of them came into my life at a pivotal time. In like manner many came in contact with the B’s and the light of the life of Christ shined through them and impacted our lives.   
Thank you for shining Christ into our lives.  
Mr. B 1911 - 1987              Mrs. B 1924 - 2013
                 Maxwell and Elaine Brenneman                              


Friday, February 1, 2013

Holocaust And Lod Memorial San Juan, Puerto Rico

The Holocaust And The Massacre At Lod Airport In Israel 

In Memory to Victims Of The Holocaust

March 30, 2012 was the day that the memorial to the victims of the holocaust and the memorial to the victims of the massacre that took place at the Lod airport in Israel, was unveiled. Many of those that died at Lod were puerto ricans on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Israel.

On Oct. 24, 2012, my wife Linda and I attended a meeting organized by the pastors of the English speaking congregations and Jewish Rabbis. The meeting took place at the Synagogue of the Reform congregation. There was representation of the protestant churches, Second Union, Grace Lutheran and Christian Community Church and of the three main stream branches of Judaism: Reform, Conservative and Orthodox. After all the formal introductions took place we watched about 50 min. of a two hour video that dealt with differences and similarities between Judaism and Christianity. After watching the video there was a time for comments and or questions. The discussion was free, open, educational. There was a social time afterwards with finger food and refreshment. During this portion of the activity I entered into conversation with some of the Jews and one of the things that I took away with me is that we as Christians need to do more to make known how we feel and where we stand with regards to our solidarity with Israel and it's people. While writing this short blog I remembered coming across a video where a German christian pastor organized a march, 180 miles, from their place of worship to the prison camp of Dachau as a demonstration to fact that they had and were confessing the sins of their parents and grandparents many of whom were descendants of Nazi soldiers or German Christians that kept silence at the time of the holocaust. In this demonstration Christians and Jews marched side by side. The one thing that is obvious in this video is: WE CHRISTIANS CANNOT BE SILENT. Here is the video.

For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not be quiet, until her righteousness goes forth as brightness, and her salvation as a burning torch. Isaiah 62:1