Delonix regia is a species of flowering plant in the family Fabaceae, subfamily Caesalpinioideae. It is noted for its fern-like leaves and flamboyant display of flowers. In many tropical parts of the world it is grown as an ornamental tree and in English it is given the name Royal Poinciana or Flamboyant. It is also one of several trees known as Flame tree..Wikipedia
In Puerto Rico it is commonly known as Flamboyan. This tree blooms during the summer months. The picture shown above was taken August 5, 2015.

Where were we... a yes the Flamboyan. Sorry for the not so small side track. Yes the Flamboyan is a beautiful tree. So why am I talking about it? Because this morning during my walk exercise I came upon the Flamboyan and it was in full bloom just like the picture posted in the beginning of this article. Beautiful! After my walk I got my camera and snapped a picture of this inspiring tree. And I remember the passage in the bible, Exodus 12. Its the passage that talks about the sacrificing of a lamb and placing blood on the two door posts and the top door post. And those that did had to remain in the house til morning. For God promised that he would pass over that house when he saw the blood. So when I was walking this morning this passage came to mind.
Yes the beautiful Flamboyan with its flaming branches spread out like wings brought such a powerful image to mind. That I too enjoy the promise of redemption given that day to Israel and whomever believed God's word of redemption from slavery to sin.
Here in Puerto Rico we say "Yo soy Boricua como el Coquí". I am Puerto Rican, "Boricua" like the Coquí". The Flamboyan and the Coquí thrive in tropical climates. Right now in Puerto Rico and other parts of Latin America we are enduring a drought. Here the half eastern part of the island is under a sever drought not so the western half.
Yet the Flamboyan is in full bloom. The Coquí has been quiet in the evenings, when usually you can hear their serenade, coquí, coquí, coquí....(to hear the Coquí click here )
At the time of this posting the drought has began subside and the dams are filling up to healthy capacity.
Bless be God for he gives the later and early rains. Amen!
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