Monday, December 21, 2015

Lucas 2:25 
"Y he aquí había en Jerusalén un hombre llamado Simeón, y este hombre, justo y piadoso, esperaba la consolación de Israel; y el Espíritu Santo estaba sobre él."  

La Esperanza de Simeón 
José Espada Marrero

Una vez más percibo gloria de la esperanza
pues sé que la promesa de Dios no fallará;
mirando al Invisible, de pie, con mi confianza,
inconmovible mi alma, el hecho la hallará.
He leído y meditado lo que dice el Dios bueno
acerca del Caudillo del pueblo de Israel:
"He aquí que la virgen concebirá en su seno,
y un Hijo dará al mundo que se dirá Emanuel".

¿Ha hablado Jehová en vano? ¿Ha dicho una mentira?
¡El no es hombre que mienta ni trate de engañar!
¿No parlan los profetas cuando el Señor inspira?
¿No podemos con ellos gozarnos y confiar?

El relevó el propósito cuando Adán en el huerto
borro de la conciencia la faz de su Hacedor;
y a todos los videntes y patriarcas, por cierto,
les fué manifestado el plan del Redentor.

Jacob miro su Estrella, Moisés le hirió en la Roca; 
David le vio humillado, y en la cruz Isaías;
Abrahám en un Cordero como tipo le toca;
Pimpollo de justicia le llama Jeremías. 

Hay nieve en mis cabellos, mi cuerpo ya no es fuerte;
comprendo que mis años van pronto a terminar;
más me ha dicho el Espíritu que no veré la muerte
hasta que haya logrado al Príncipe besar.

Avivado en la fe de que el Padre ha empeñado
su palabra, y que luego le veremos cumplir,
sobre el monte de Sion mi altar he levantado,
y allí estaré adorando, velando el porvenir.

Bendigo la promesa que corre por la Biblia
como un hilo de grana que guía la visión; 
no camino en tinieblas, pues la gracia me auxilia,
y como testimonio da paz al corazón.

Los santos del pasado me inspiran con su ejemplo;
su actitud comunica amor a la Verdad;
yo espero ver al Santo entrar un día a su templo;
yo sé que entre mis brazos tendré su Majestad.

Aguardo aquí al Mesías que nos es prometido;
vendrá antes que llegue mi hora de partir;
el Cristo de mi patria, en niño convertido,
veré, y con esta boca le habré de bendecir. 
--------------- 0 ---------------
Que la Paz del divino Creador este con ustedes siempre.


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Happy Hanukkah

Feliz Hanukkah
חנוכה שמח

This year Hanukkah fell on December 7, Hanukkah eve December 6. The first of eight candles on the Hanukkah Menorah was light Sunday December 6 at sunset.

This year the anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, Hawaii and the Feast of Lights coincided on our calendar. Though the attack on our freedom on December 7, 1941 is a somber memory to us all and we honor and respect all the men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice to safeguard our freedom and our nation; we are thankful for their commitment and sacrifice which has allowed us the freedom to commemorate this Christmas season and the Feast of Lights.  

Likewise, in world history another event took place which liberated a smaller country from the tyranny of a much larger empire. The event is known as the Maccabean revolt against the Greek King Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Religious freedom was the cause for this revolt. The Israelis gain their freedom to worship the only and true living G_d. Part of that struggle for religious freedom was another event, Jewish tradition has it that upon purifying the altar and temple to initiate worship, the priest discovered there was only enough oil to keep the temple menorah light for one day but according to tradition the menorah stayed light for eight days hence allowing time to gather enough oil to keep it light going forward, they thank G_d for this small miracle by celebrating the feast of lights, Hanukkah. We light one of the candles every day incrementally as we commemorate the miracle of the oil for one day last for eight days, hence the eight days of Hanukkah.

Scripture (Bible): Jesus is the light.
John 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world…
Joh_1:4  In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
Joh_1:5  And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

Let us allow the light of Jesus Christ shine in and through us in this season of Christmas and Hanukkah.

Merry Christmas / Feliz Navidad
Happy Hanukkah / Feliz Hanukkah
חנוכה שמח


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Delonix regia plant

Delonix regia is a species of flowering plant in the family Fabaceae, subfamily Caesalpinioideae. It is noted for its fern-like leaves and flamboyant display of flowers. In many tropical parts of the world it is grown as an ornamental tree and in English it is given the name Royal Poinciana or Flamboyant. It is also one of several trees known as Flame tree..Wikipedia

In Puerto Rico it is commonly known as Flamboyan. This tree blooms during the summer months. The picture shown above was taken August 5, 2015.

The Flamboyan has inspired painters and poets alike. It has engraved itself into the fabric of our culture just like the Coquí. And what is a Coquí you ask? See for yourself in these pictures below. You say its a frog, a tinny one and we say noooo it is not a frog, its a Coquí. Remember I said that it is engraved in our culture. So don't call it a frog or tinny frog, its a Coquí.

Where were we... a yes the Flamboyan. Sorry for the not so small side track. Yes the Flamboyan is a beautiful tree. So why am I talking about it? Because this morning during my walk exercise I came upon the Flamboyan and it was in full bloom just like the picture posted in the beginning of this article. Beautiful! After my walk I got my camera and snapped a picture of this inspiring tree. And I remember the passage in the bible, Exodus 12. Its the passage that talks about the sacrificing of a lamb and placing blood on the two door posts and the top door post. And those that did had to remain in the house til morning. For God promised that he would pass over that house when he saw the blood. So when I was walking this morning this passage came to mind.

Yes the beautiful Flamboyan with its flaming branches spread out like wings brought such a powerful image to mind. That I too enjoy the promise of redemption given that day to Israel and whomever believed God's word of redemption from slavery to sin.

Here in Puerto Rico we say "Yo soy Boricua como el Coquí". I am Puerto Rican, "Boricua" like the Coquí". The Flamboyan and the Coquí thrive in tropical climates. Right now in Puerto Rico and other parts of Latin America we are enduring a drought. Here the half eastern part of the island is under a sever drought not so the western half.

Yet the Flamboyan is in full bloom. The Coquí has been quiet in the evenings, when usually you can hear their serenade, coquí, coquí, coquí....(to hear the Coquí click here )

At the time of this posting the drought has began subside and the dams are filling up to healthy capacity.

Bless be God for he gives the later and early rains. Amen!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Time of Drought / Tiempo de Sequía

Picture of The Negev, Israel by Kelvin E. Morales 2007


Psa 1:1  Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
Psa 1:2  but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.
Psa 1:3  He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.
Psa 1:4  The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away.
Psa 1:5  Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous;
Psa 1:6  for the LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.

Psa 1:1  Bienaventurado el varón que no anduvo en consejo de malos, ni estuvo en camino de pecadores, ni en silla de escarnecedores se ha sentado;
Psa 1:2  antes en la ley de Jehová está su delicia, y en su ley medita de día y de noche.
Psa 1:3  Y será como árbol plantado junto a corrientes de aguas, que da su fruto en su tiempo, y su hoja no cae; y todo lo que hace, prosperará.
Psa 1:4  No así los malos, que son como el tamo que arrebata el viento.
Psa 1:5  Por tanto, no se levantarán los malos en el juicio, ni los pecadores en la congregación de los justos.
Psa 1:6  Porque Jehová conoce el camino de los justos; mas la senda de los malos perecerá.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


June 8 – 12, 2015
By Kelvin E. Morales

            After traveling to Jacksonville, Florida and spending a few days with Linda’s Mom, we traveled by car to Charleston, South Carolina on Friday June 5th. The next day our son JJ arrived and on Monday 8th together we drove to Seabrook Island South Carolina where we stayed the next 5 days and 4 nights. Our daughter Maria, her husband Timothy and our 4 grandchildren, Matthew, Kaylin, Isabella and Natalia arrived on Tuesday at Seabrook Island.

The days were spent between the beach, pool, the house for supper and a good nights rest. In between all the day’s activity we managed to squeeze some time to put the above puzzle together. It measured 18” x 24”, a total of 550 pieces.

On the last night, after we had supper, I asked everybody to answer a question: What was the one thing they would cherish about our week at Seabrook? Without exception all beginning with our 4 grandchildren answered, “Being together”.

There is something very special about the act of just being together. You can find the words “one another” many times in scripture. The majority of times it is used in a positive way: honor preferring one another; love one another; serve one another; bear one another's burdens; forbearing one another, and forgiving one another in love.

It is very hard to do any of these acts mentioned above unless we are together…
            Just like the puzzle, we all had to take part in putting all its parts together to form the complete picture.

“Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:25 


Monday, March 9, 2015

Eliseo Morales, Nieves
Picture taken Dec. 2011 Puerto Rico
May 22, 1927 to March 8, 2015
The Morales Family
9th Generation

In Puerto Rico there are many who have Morales as their surname and I will be focusing on a particular branch of this lineage. This branch which I am referring to has as its head Don Pedro de Morales del Rio, approximate date of 1645, assumed born in Puerto Rico. It is from this gentleman that the count of nine generations is made because he is the one of whom we have corroborating documentation. Dr. Andrés R. Méndez, Muñoz wrote an article for Hereditas, a magazine published by Sociedad Puertorriqueña de Genealogía on October 2002. The title of the article is "Carta abierta  -  Eusebio Morales del Rio y Maria de la Rosa-Velázco: naturales del Partido de la Aguada". In said article the author provides the evidence that the father of Don Eusebio is Don Cristobal Morales del Rio and the grandfather being Don Pedro Morales del Rio. Of course we recognize that from Don Pedro going backwards to the colonization of the island there is a difference of 137 years which leaves room for two or three additional generations. But like I mentioned at the beginning we only have evidence taking us as far back as Don Pedro Morales del Rio, hence the nine generations.
Back row R to L: David, Noemi, Eliseo, Abuela Aurelia (Yeya),
Abuelo Manuel (Manolo), Rosa Maria y Manuel Jr; 
Bottom row R to L: Eva, Irma y Concepcion (Pura)

Eliseo Morales, Nieves born May 22, 1927 is the youngest of Don Manuel Morales, Morales and Doña Aurelia Nieves, Suarez and the last of the ninth generation of this Morales direct lineage to Don Pedro Morales del Rio. With tio Eliseo passing the ninth generation comes to a close. He had children with two of his wives; with Aury he had Eliseo Jr. and Roxanna and with Hilda he had Patricia, Robert, Carol and Nancy (the last two are twins). 

This ninth generation is formed by Manuel Morales, Morales and Aurelia Nieves, Suarez, my paternal grandparents. They had eight children in total. Here are the names of their children, the 9th generation:

David Morales, Nieves

Manuel Morales, Nieves
Rosa María Morales Nieves

Concepción Morales, Nieves 

Noemi Morales, Nieves
Eva Morales, Nieves

Eliseo Morales, Nieves

In my endeavor to know more of the history of my family and its origins, it was made plain by Spanish historians that the origin of the Morales surname dates back to the middle ages and some say it even goes as far back as the Visigoths. In Spain, the name took form with two or three brothers that settled in a county of the region of Santander and later became part of the families that founded the city of Sori in Castilla-Leon, Spain known as "La Casa Troncal de los 12 Linajes de Soria" of which two of the families are Morales. Below is the crest and coat of arms of the Morales of Soria:

L-R: Eliseo, Patricia, Chuck, Hilda,
Robert, Carol and Nancy (twins)
I have fond memories of tio Eliseo, "Seo". He frequently visited my parents during my growing up years even after his "Brother", as he would call my father, had passed away in August 1999. Eliseo and his family stayed at our house (1465 Ebano st., Caparra Heights) when he finished his tour of service in Europe. He taught my Dad the game of golf when he needed it most. Can you imagine learning the game of golf at the age of 65? Because of this I had enjoyable times with my father. Dad learned the game so well (among the amateur category) that he had two holes in one to his name. One at the Fort Brooks golf course at el Morro (no longer in existence) and the other at Fort Buchanan (presently operational), both in Puerto Rico. The golf community of Puerto Rico has suffered a great lose in the passing of Eliseo Morales; not only was he an avid player but also greatly promote the sport among the least fortunate youth of our island.

The last time I saw tio Eliseo was at the time of the picture that appears in this article, Dec. 2011. At that time we spoke and he shared with me what he knew of the Morales and Nieves ancestry.

My parents bestowed on me the privilege to carry on the names of the youngest from each side of our family, Kelvin which is my mother's youngest brother and Eliseo the youngest from my father's side of the family. And you guessed it, I am the youngest of my parents, Manuel and Josefina. I am proud to carry my uncle Eliseo's name as my middle name.

My love goes to all of Tio Eliseo's descendants Eliseo Jr., Roxanna, Patricia, Robert, Carol and Nancy and the rest of the Morales family.

Tio Eliseo we will always remember you

  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Mat 11:29

There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. 
  For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Story Of The Morales-Espada Family

By Kelvin E. Morales-Espada

The Morales-Espada Family
Manuel Morales & Josefina Espada
with there sons (R to L) José,
Ibsen and Kelvin
The story of the Morales-Espada family had its beginnings as far back as the sixteenth century, but for our purpose we won't go that far back. Let's use the year 1898 as a point of reference.

Much has been said of the Spanish-American War from the historical, economic and political perspective. I would like to share how the spiritual aspect of this war affected tens of thousands in Puerto Rico by simply telling you how the spiritual lives of two of my ancestors, my maternal and paternal grandparents, were changed and consequently the paradigm for generations to follow.
José V. Espada Marrero
picture taken by grandson, Kelvin

Eight years prior to the Spanish - American War of 1898, José Vicente Espada-Marrero, my maternal grandfather, was born in a small town, Barranquitas, high in the central mountains of Puerto Rico. He was eight years old when the Spanish-American War broke out. And my paternal grandfather,
Manuel Morales Morales
with grandson Kelvin
Manuel Morales Morales, born 1886 in the town of Naranjito, also a mountain town, was twelve years old when the war started. Both born in Puerto Rico as subjects of Spain and consequently were baptized Roman Catholic. Manuel Morales Morales baptized September 12, 1886 at the San Miguel Archangel Church Naranjito, Puerto Rico. And Jose V. Espada Marrero was baptized August 24, 1890 at the San Antonio De Padua Church Barranquitas, Puerto Rico. It is well known that in those days Roman Catholicism was the only accepted religion in Spain's Empire and enforced by the "Santo Oficio", in charge of making sure that its subjects were Roman Catholics.
Spanish Military Battalion
"Cazadores de la Patria" hearing mass in the
Plaza de las Delicias in Ponce, P.R.
At the end of the Spanish-American War of 1898  the doors in Puerto Rico were open for the arrival of the missionary movement of the protestant denominations from the United States of America. It is with this influx of protestant missionaries and their message of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ, which made way for a true change of paradigm for many Puertoricans. (For more information go to this link): 
US Army
General Miles in Puerto Rico 1898
My mother, Josefina, shared with me the stories of how the good news of Salvation penetrated our family tree. The protestant missionaries that arrived in Puerto Rico on the heels of the Spanish-American War established churches first in the major cities and then in the mountain municipalities and rural areas. She shared with me about her father, Rev. José V. Espada-Marrero, who had converted and was baptized when he was nineteen years old (1909) in a Baptist church by the then pastor Dr. A. B. Rudd  in the town of Barranquitas where he was born. This town is known as the cradle of patriarchs. During my genealogical research of my family I found an article titled "La Conferencia Misionera de Puerto Rico" published by the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico, which talked about a Bible institute established in 1915 and closed in 1919 in the municipality of Hatillo called "Robinson Bible Institute". In said article the writer says that the Institute had at that time 51 students but the only name mentioned was that of José Espada-Marrero, my grandfather. Recently I received a copy of a book titled History of a Faith ["Historia de Una Fe"]  by William Fred Santiago. In this book he has a short biography of my grandfather written by Rev. Jesus M. Amaro
At Rev. Amaro's in Jayuya, P.R.
and read by him at the annual conference of the Methodist Church in Puerto Rico in 1943. In it Rev. Amaro narrates that when my grandfather was converted and baptized, he went to Guayama in 1913 to work as a teacher in a rural school and shortly after joined the Methodist church and became assistant to the pastor of the church in Guayama. In 1915 my grandfather went to Hatillo to the Robinson Bible Institute; not only had he believed in Jesus as his Lord and Savior but also committed to serve him as minister and later as missionary. My grandfather, José, met his wife to be, Josefina Orlandi Questell. and they married in 1918 at the Methodist Church of Barrio Aguirre, Salinas, Puerto Rico.My mom, Josefina, their only daughter was born on October 30,1919 in Barrio Aguirre, Salinas, Puerto Rico while he was pastor at the church in the city of  Ponce and in the church at Barrio Playa in Ponce. They had a total of eight children, one of them died eleven months after birth, Eduardo Alfredo.

Then Mom shared how this change of spiritual paradigm affected my father's family. My father, Manuel Morales-Nieves, born to Manuel Morales-Morales and Aurelia Nieves-Suarez on November 22, 1915 in Naranjito, Puerto Rico was the first of his family to convert and believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior when he was a teenager. This expression of faith in Christ took place during an evangelistic campaign at a Disciple of Christ Church in Barrio Mana, Corozal, Puerto Rico. He invited his sisters, brothers and parents to a service after which his father believed. This decision to believe and follow Christ caused a strained relationship between Aurelia, my paternal grandmother and her parents and siblings. To my understanding her sisters did start visiting her again. Aurelia was bed ridden with Parkinson until the day she passed away. In spite of this, other descendants of the Nieves-Suarez family have come to saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In 1934 Rev. José Espada-Marrero became the head pastor at the Methodist Church in Comerio after serving as pastor and missionary in the Dominican Republic from 1921-1928. He was pastor at the Methodist church in Guayama, Puerto Rico from 1928 to 1934 and the Methodist Church in Comerio 1934-1939. During this period in Comerio my mother met for the first time Manuel Morales whom she would marry in May of 1941. It was at this church that my grandfather had the most difficult and testing time as pastor including suffering a mild heart condition. After a short pastorate back in the Barrio Playa in Ponce (1941-1944), he started in 1948 in the carport of his house at 405 Calle Escocia, Caparra Heights, San Juan Puerto Rico, the Methodist Church located on De Diego Ave. in Puerto Nuevo which now carries his name: Iglesia Metodista de Puerto Rico "Rev. José Espada Marrero".

At the present time we are in the process of maturing a fifth generation of believers in the Morales-Nieves and Espada-Orlandi familly tree. My grandson, Matthew Morrill 5 yrs. old, recently received Jesus as his savior. This is how one can bring change into our society, changing one family member at a time.

Galatians 6:9  And let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. 

They are absent from their bodies but present with our Lord.

My Grandparents:

Rev. José V. Espada-Marrero 1890 - 1972
 Josefina Orlandi-Questell 1894 - 1989
L to R Manuel Morales-Morales 1886-1970
Aurelia Nieves-Suarez 1886-1968
Josefina Espada Orlandi 1919-2014
And Kelvin E. Morales Espada 

My Parents:

Manuel Morales-Nieves 1915-1999 and Josefina Espada-Orlandi 1919-2014

Romans 12:1-3 
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. 
2  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 
3  For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.