Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Josefina Espada Orlandi 

Josefina Espada Orlandi Vda. de Morales was born to Rev. José Espada Marrero and Josefina Orlandi on October 30, 1919 in Barrio Aguirre Salinas, Puerto Rico. She went to be with the LORD on April 3, 2014 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Presently Kelvin Emerson Espada Orlandi is the soul survivor of eight children of the Espada Orlandi family.

Josefina was secretary and librarian of the Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing at the time located at Ashford Avenue, Condado Santurce Puerto Rico. She was a business partner of Carmen Storer as professional florist specializing in banquets and wedding decorations. She also participated in floral arrangement competitions in diverse styles of arrangements and won many prizes.

Her passion was her personal relationship with God. The deepness of this relationship manifested its self in her relationship with both sides of the Morales-Espada family and also with her floral arrangements. She would always marvel at the fact of how God combined and balanced colors in flowers and nature in general. She would combine colors that others would not dare combine. God's creation was her pattern.

Your three sons, José Manuel, Ibsen David and Kelvin Eliseo, their families 
and the rest of the Morales and Espada families will always remember you! 

Now she is in the presence of the LORD praising and worshiping him. The one whom she loved for a life time and looked forward to being with for all...


Click on link below to watch the slideshow presented at the memorial service on April 26, 2014.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Casting a Gentle Giant Shadow in Puerto Rico

Ruth Luttrell "Mama Ruth"
San Juan, Puerto Rico
WBMJ The Rock Radio Network

Saturday 15, 2014 at 3:40 am, Ruth Luttrell was called into the presence of the One she loved from an early age, the Lord Jesus Christ, her Messiah and King.

Her service to our Lord and King was exemplary. She was to many a mentor and counselor. To others she was an example of what a Christian woman should look like in word and deed. And to a multitude of people she was the picture image of what an ambassador for Christ should be. To these multitudes she was the representative of the love that Jesus Christ has for them, for she shared the good news: "to the Jew first and also to the gentile." (Rom.1:16-17) It did not matter where she found herself at the moment, for to Ruth every single moment was the opportune time to share the Good News.

During the course of her life, she sowed the seed (forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ's death and resurrection), she watered, she cleared back the weeds, and she was even used to do some pruning. Not only did she nurture her own family in the counsel of the Lord, but many in the Christian community in Puerto Rico called her "Mama Ruth".

As for my wife, Linda and I, Ruth and her husband Donald Luttrell were crucial in helping us form a family. Because of them we, Linda and I, received the help that eventually culminated in the adoption of our two beautiful children, one from the Dominican Republic and the other from Honduras. Both of our children are mature adults today. Up to now, we have four grand children and all of this is because Ruth and her husband said yes to the Giver of Life, Jesus the Christ. Linda and I will always remember their love for us in the time of need.

Ruth was physically a small person, but because of her commitment to the Lord Jesus, the Lord cast a giant shadow in Puerto Rico. None of what is said here, about Ruth, is because of her own doing, but rather because of Whom she allowed in her life, the Lord Jesus the Christ. Therefore, the Lord had a great impact in the community where Ruth served Him, Puerto Rico, the Caribbean and we dare to say, many other parts of the world!

You, too, can have an impact in the lives of those that surround you. By believing Jesus Christ took your place on the cross and accepting his gift of forgiveness of sin, you too, can have a life that influences other people.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

2 Corinthians 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

Romans 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

For more information on the life of Ruth Luttrell go to:

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tío José Luis Espada Orlandi

31 de Mayo de 1921 al 26 de Enero de 2014 
El domingo 26 de enero del 2014 al medio día nuestro querido tío, José Luis Espada Orlandi falleció. Le sobreviven su hijo Anthony (Tony) y su esposa Iraida; su hija Evelyn y su esposo Angel y su hija Linda Espada. Tambien sus nietos Jose Luis (Pepe Luis), Jenny, Esteban, Teresa y Isabela.   

De sus hermanos solo le sobreviven su hermana mayor Josefina Espada vda. de Morales y su hermano menor Kelvin Emerson Espada.

Papillo, Mamilla, José Luis y Josefina

José Luis nació en La Romana, República Dominicana durante el viaje misionero de quien fue su padre el Rev. Espada Marrero. De los 8 hijos del reverendo y su esposa Josefina 4 nacieron en la República Dominicana, José Luis, Samuel Leocadio, Ismael Francisco y David José; hubo un varoncito que nacio en Puerto Rico pero a los 11 meses de nacido fallece en la República Dominicana, Eduardo Alfredo.

Tío José Luis fue un ser apasionado de la vida en todo el sentido de la palabra. Entre todas sus pasiones se destacaron su pasión a la familia y pescar mar a fuera. Su pesca predilecta, a mi entender, lo era el "Chillo". 

Me acuerdo una tarde que yo había llegado de la escuela en casa de Papillo, ya que mami y papi no habían llegado del trabajo, llega tío José Luis y le dice a Mamilla, mami, con un beso, un abraso y con la bendición, aquí tienes unos chillos. Saco unos pocos de la nevera portátil y se los dio. Yo, curioso, miro dentro de la nevera portátil, esta estaba repleta de chillos con los ojos brotao.

En otra ocasión Tio llevo a Trucutu, Pichu y a Keve a pescar chillo. Mientras tio preparaba la lancha nos hablaba de lo que podíamos hacer y lo que no podíamos hacer. Entonces él nos pregunta quien de ustedes se marea? Ninguno dijo na porque sabíamos que el que dijera que se mareaba se quedaba en tierra hasta que regresaran de pescar. Ninguno estaba dispuesto a ser el has me reír de los demás y los primos teníamos fama de sacar le punta a cualquier situación. Así salimos y en camino al punto de pesca tio nos mira, parece que él noto algo en nuestros rostros y nos dice, el que me vomite en la lancha la va tener que lavar de arriba a bajo, mejor te agarras de la baranda y lo hechas fuera del bote y viento abajo. Así era él, difícil pero cariñoso a su manera. De esto yo puedo hablar por que desde que tengo memoria fui blanco de su jocosidad.y no empece a esto le quise mucho y busque su consejo. El que yo me acercase a el para consejo, pocos en la familia lo saben y posiblemente no me lo han de creer. Cuantas veces le pedí ayuda, el me ayudo.   

Tio siempre estarás en nuestra memoria y no te olvidaremos. 
Tu sobrino, El Keve
12 de febrero de 2014